An e-Form was implemented, allowing users to purchase a mobile device or subcribe a data plan to submit their request with the approval procedures taken place via the same form.
ISO continued to have dashboards developed for various offices to support their analysis and decision making, and in these two months, the key dashboards being developed include ePRO Post Event Control, Fixed Assets/Non-Fixed Assets for Department Transfer, UROP Dashboard, and CDCF Reports.
To fulfill local regulatory requirements and privacy ordinance, ISO worked with ITSC and GZ ITD, and with both the applications and data successfully migrated to the GZ Platform in May.
The Instructor Self-Review System (ISR) was enhanced to accommodate changes in the Common Core Program. Starting from the academic year 2022-23, the program has revised its structure of common core areas with new competency attributes introduced. The ISR has been updated to allow instructors to provide feedback aligned with the revised program framework and attributes. This will help support the delivery of high-quality education and promote student success.
The integration work optimized the P-file task required by the FO P&B team, including retrieving files from SharePoint via HRO, performing P file operations, and storing reviewed documents in the ECM system.
The 3-in-1 new RFQ eForm (Sole-source, Two-envelope and RFQ only) was lanunched at the end of March. This new form has eliminated the need for paper forms to be filled and signed, resulting in a streamlined process for submitting tendering or quotation requests to PURO.
The centalized approval and delegation system is launched on 7 Mar., replacing the old system, to provide a better user experience and controls.
AI Chatbot was integrated to SHRLO website, allowing ease of access of Undergraduate(UG) and Research Postgraduate(PG) hall admission information, and improving user experience on general inquiry
HSEO New Central Laboratory system (CLS) significantly improves the current CLS operation, user experience of purchasing chemical goods with full compliance to HKSAR regulatory requirement.
Two MSc programs have obtained the CPS endorsement. Once MOE officially approves and HKUST(GZ) will open the application for Fall 2023-24 admissions. Enhancements on the HKUST(GZ) Online Application System has been done to cater for the TPG Programs applications.