HKUST e-Form Progress Update
  • Quick update of our e-Form status and roadmap
  • Most common issues encountered and raised by our users so far (e.g. need to add ad hoc approval and notifying parties) and our plan to resolve these in short-to-medium term
  • Limitations of this e-Forms platform (i.e. issues which are not expected to be resolved)
  • The plan to resolve other issues unique to specific e-Forms
  • Update on the e-Forms user training platform, the training materials and user guides
  • A simple user feedback channel for you to provide your feedback to us in the future

Training Material

This workshop aims to improve e-Forms end user’s understanding to our use of Flowportal e-forms with live demonstration on the recent improvements.

Target Audience

The main target audiences of the workshops are the HKUST staff who use the e-Forms frequently and/or are concerned when and how their views and feedback will be addressed.   Other interested colleagues are also welcome to join.


* There are two sessions held on 7/12 and 10/12 which share the same contents.  Please enroll to only one of them that suits your schedule most.